The Techweek programme is now live!

Discover our nationwide festival for tech that's good for the world.

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NZTech is your unified industry voice driving tech for good. A not-for-profit membership funded NGO that connects, promotes and advances tech to create a better tomorrow for all New Zealanders. NZTech Group members represent more than 10% of the New Zealand workforce.

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We run Techweek because we know technology is critical for the future prosperity of New Zealand. It's the fastest growing segment of our economy, generating 8% of our GDP and 11% of our exports. To support NZ technology's continued growth we need a deeply connected ecosystem; more rangatahi choosing tech careers; and more global awareness of New Zealand's tech strengths and capabilities. The nationwide Techweek programme provides the platform to do this.

NZTech's vision is for an equitable, sustainable, safe and prosperous New Zealand enabled by good tech. We connect, promote and advance to grow the tech sector in pursuit of that vision — Techweek is just one example of our work.

If you would like to join the NZTech movement, find out more about becoming a member >

As a not-for-profit, we rely on industry support to run Techweek each year, if you would like to leverage New Zealand's largest and most established tech festival and ensure its continued impact, consider becoming a partner >

News from NZTech

Event Submissions Open Feb 26!

15 Feb 2024

Get ready — submissions for Techweek24 events open 26 February! Whether you've run and event before or have always wanted to now's your chance!  Anyone can submit an event to…

Techweek24 — Save the Date!

6 Nov 2023

Techweek returns from 20-26 May 2024.