Heard of Bitcoin, Web3, crypto, or blockchain, but felt overwhelmed or intimidated? You are not alone and this is your safe space to dive in
23 May, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Whakatū Nelson
Join Sally from Rooftop ("desperately seeking" new friends in this male-dominated space) for a beginner-friendly session delving into the world of cryptocurrency. We'll explore the foundational concepts, bust some common myths and take a look at the opportunities the technology unlocks.
Some of the questions we'll cover are:
- Why was cryptocurrency created and by Who?
- What is Bitcoin and how is it different from other cryptocurrencies?
- Who uses it?
- How can you invest in crypto safely and responsibly and why might you want to?
You can even set up your own crypto wallet, (if you're ready), and you'll leave with some resources to continue your own research.
This is a casual and social setting – a perfect opportunity to ask questions - and no problem if you can't stay for the whole session. No technical knowledge required. Come as you are. Be part of the future.